Is 3 the new 2? Why I chose to have 3 kiddos

November 12, 2017





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 The Blog

Is 3 the new 2? Why I chose to have 3 kiddos
It seems like everywhere I look, there are families with three kids or two with another on the way. Not so long ago, I thought there was no way that could ever be me. I was of the “two hands; two kids” or “two of us; two of them” philosophy. Boy, was I surprised to discover that I actually wanted a third baby!
We had nearly completed our renovation when my husband and I were looking at our soon-to-be new mudroom closet that had 4 little cubbies – one for each of us. I remember joking with him that we couldn’t have any more kids because there were only four spaces. Oops.
It wasn’t until having a bit of a pregnancy scare while my best friend and her three little ones were staying with us that I realized, “Wait a minute?! Why am I disappointed about this?” By the next summer, we welcomed our third, beautiful baby girl to our family.
And you know what? I couldn’t be happier. I am so in love and I feel so fortunate. Having said that, now I KNOW that I am done. Done, done, done. I love my three girls to pieces but the toll that this last pregnancy took on my not-so-young-anymore body not to mention the logistics of having three five-and-unders on the other side… well, let’s just say when you know, you know.
I remember my dear friend’s brother who also has three kids say, “the world is not made for a family of five!” Vacations, dinner reservations, automobiles… you name it. But you never know, now that there are so many families who are able to and choosing to have three – maybe that will change?
An unexpected bonus? Having three certainly makes for some pretty fantastic family photographs. Taking my own newborn photographs…not so easy breezy, but I’ll save that for another blog post!
I’m currently booking sessions for 2018 – if you’re thinking of getting some pretty fantastic family photographs yourself, get in touch!
xx L

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